Saturday, November 25, 2006

Sorry folks there's something wrong with my bloggie. so no photOs!

Anyway this week been super slow. everyone else has left for aust. leaving only 6 of us for e entire Bn so basically we're quite on lull and lots of DO duties to da.. wee DO for christmas. what a better day.. =\

Taichi has been the main execise this week. cuz you're a YSL(young 2nd leut) you get push ard.. emails dun get replied.. and free arrows for graps esp when there only 6 of us left.
army shi hai an de!! grrr..

Stand chart nxt week 42klick and omg.. we've only hit 5km this week.
we're so gonna walk through the 42. record is 8hrs. maybe can try for 9hr.. muhaha

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