Sunday, November 19, 2006

Excellence Is The Key That Unlocks The Door Of Favor.

Proverbs 22:29

“Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; he will
not stand before unknown men.” (NKJV)

Promotion is something all of us desire. But why is it that very few ever move
up to a higher level in life? Why do so many individuals stay the same as the
day we first meet them? The above passage states, “A man who excels in his
work will stand before kings; he will not stand before unknown men.” Promotion
does not come just because we want it. It requires us to go above and beyond
what is asked of us. Whether in marriage, at work, or serving in God’s church,
walking in excellence is the key to promotion.

The Bible tells us, “Jesus grew in wisdom and favor with both God and man.” As
we grow in favor with both God and man, it causes us to rise to the level of
promotion God has for us. How can we grow in favor? By respectfully doing
whatever is required of us. We can become the tool that is used to solve any
problem in life. Maintaining a great attitude, respecting, and honoring those
we are assigned to serve is vital to attracting favor. As we consistently live a
life of respect and honor towards those above us and around us, we will see a
rapid increase of favor. Experiencing the true and lasting promotion God has
for us is linked to our ability to cultivate the ingredients of excellence and
favor, God’s promotion twins.

another boring day in camp.. haha
miss out the pre-flight lunch prepared by jerome =( darn and they said it was good! argh!!

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