Sunday, September 28, 2008

1 day 2 weddings + 1hr sleep
= totally stoned.

1st wedding was held by my cousin, it's a simple affair with wedding lunch @ Hilton.
there was a miscom with the makeup artist part, therefore i arrived.. 4am at her place, was wondering how come her makeup artist requested so early.. only to find out upon arrival the 4am slot is for her jie mei! argH.. her's only start at 0630 gosh. so help them out in the "sabo" preparation, had the suan tian ku la thing.
suan being lemon and lime mixed ice cubes
tian being gummy bears
ku being ku gua + pepper + salt + something i can recall
la being wasabi spread bread(this is horrible i can vouch its a whole tube spread over 4 bread.. that's how thick it was)
(i forsee my self eating all this stuffs in dec argh!)

so the groom arrives at 0730 does the usual of gate crashing and tio sabo process
after which they eventually come in to yet another challenge, wading up the stairs and answering some questions, sing song etc.

proceed with tea at groom's place
*fast forward
arrives at Hilton hotel for ROM and wedding lunch.
everything ended around 1600hr.

2nd wedding was held in Grand coprthon waterfront
military style wedding. being the only 2 kuku he invited from our camp. we sit in the table of misc friends which we never got to knoe their name even till e end of dinner ha!
like any other military wedding, they were to be stop at each sword bearer and be issue a challenge. cutting short they were only stopped at the first and last.
this dinner coincide with F1 finals, my friend decided to screen F1 live! thus this became a military cum F1-ish wedding. haha all of us are focus on the race while eating, they only cut telecast during speech's, 2nd march in and the yam sheng portion. dinner start with the race and ended with the race. just nice haha

well wedding bliss for both my cousin and my friend.
i heard more wedding bells.
prob can compile a ten year series on how to survive gate crashing after being though so many.. haha just a thought..

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